About us
* Top quality materials used
* Unique tchnical equipment
* Outstanding expertise and continuous traning
* Maximum hygiene and minimum risk of infection
* Careful, precisely controlled work processes
* Complete security
Just to highlight the most important of those that mean dentistry and quality to us. We designed our office in this spirit, and for this very reason we chose a property where a relaxing atmosphere and comfort awaits our patients. We wanted an office that feels more like our homes, than a dental office

Our Clinic

A very important area of dentistry for me is short teeth caused by tooth wear, or even grinding teeth at night while sleeping and the resulting complications, such as headaches and jaw pain, among others.

Dr. Hargitai Máté
I obtained my dental degree cum laude at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Semmelweis University of Medicine in Budapest in 2006.
Since graduating, I have gained experience in several well-known private practices, until I started my own practice in 2011.
In addition to the daily contact with my patients, I am an active participant in almost all professional conferences and several foreign dental events, as a participant and a speaker as well. I believe that continuous development in dentistry is just as important in informatics,
or any high-end industrial area. To keep up with all the latest advancements in technology and techniques is very important to us.
Thanks to my valuable contacts, I have the opportunity to discuss my cases with renowned experts from around the world, thereby providing the best possible solution to each of my patients, even in the case of complex treatments. I try to always keep my knowledge up-to-date, I look forward to seeing you in my office!
Our team

Dr. Hargitay Bea
Fogszakorvos, a fogmegtartó kezelések specialistája

Dr. Bacsarszki Vanessza
Fogszakorvos, a fogmegtartó kezelések specialistája

Szamosváriné Gölcz Zsuzsa
Klinikai szájhigiénikus, vezető asszisztens

Bata Adrienn
Páciens koordinátor

Kristóf Anikó
Páciens koordinátor